Discus Fish
Discus fish, also called ?pompadour fish?, are a genus of three species of cichlid freshwater?fish. They are native to the Amazon River basin, are one of the more popular aquarium fish, and are a favorite in the aquaculture industry. They have flat bodies, which is why they were named ?discus?. Their sides are usually patterned in shades of green, blue, and red. They are about 20-25cm in size.
One of the unique characteristics of discus fish is that they care for their larvae. Brood care is highly developed among discus fish. Both male and female parents care for their young. Adult discus fish also produce secretion through their skin where their larvae live off for the first few days of their lives. In captivity, the larvae tend to live longer in their parents? secretion, sometimes as long as two weeks.
Some fish hobbyists experiment with cross breeding to create a new strain in hopes of achieving more colors and lively patterns while others are satisfied with the regular types. Whatever your reasons, it?s always fun to breed your own discus fish.
Here are some tips to encourage spawning in your discus fish:
Make sure the water hardness is ideal for breeding - Replicating your discus? natural habitat while in captivity is one of the ways to encourage mating. Usually, the hardness of water is lower during spawning season in the wild. You can mimic the water conditions in the wild by adjusting the water hardness, lowering the GH of the aquarium water to 3-10?dH. Adversely, water can be softened by filtering it through peat. You can also treat tap water with ion exchange resins or reverse osmosis water while changing the aquarium water.
Vary your fish?s diet - You can adjust the diet of a breeding pair of discus fish. For example, feeding your fish live food such as white worms, frozen bloodworms, and brine shrimp will help condition them more for spawning. Live food can easily be cultured at home and they are also readily available in pet supply stores.
Have a separate aquarium for breeding purposes - If you have a community tank, it would be more conducive for a breeding pair of discus fish to be transferred to a separate tank. Not all the fish in your tank may be amenable to the hardiness of the water and some of the more aggressive fish can eat the eggs.
Photo: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c291/HiEndfans/DSC00728.jpg
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