Histogram of the camera is only a guide, such as alarm systems highlight. They emphasize the flash just a hint of what you have taken. Dosing based on a thorough understanding of what the camera is the only way to reach to get the perfect exposure for every scene.
Dynamic Range of Your Digital Camera
What you need. Camera with manual functions, the test is to digital cameras, but the same principles can be used for the film. Put on the dose-view camera is not a center-weighted or matrix on the meter, because you need a specific part of the scene. To tripod or other method to position the camera to lock. Consistent light source. Pure white stuff that is not reflective, fine-textured white fabric. Something cast a shadow inch colorful objects both pastel and solid colors, including pastels and saturated colors and a few others. Gray card for metering and white balance. Good quality calibrated monitor to evaluate the results. Photoshop or Lightroom or program that can display digital images accurately. This test was partly subjective. You need to decide what to do if a white noise with detailed information and how the image is received preserved.
Ideally, testing the camera, the RAW file capture, during the test can be done with JPEG, you will sacrifice JPEG dynamic shooting. You might also consider your camera to the maximum bit depth is set, it?s a little known fact that the Nikon D700 ships in 12bit mode, if he is capable of 14bit mode! This is a strange decision by Nikon with the extra bits that contain useful information.
How does the metering work.
It is important that you understand how a light meter works. There are simple devices is to make everything they do calculating the risk for what they weakened center density (12% to be cast exactly) needed. Therefore, net metering makes off-white suspension of the white middle class gray. The measurement of black, a dark center. So in the proper use, you have only a few meters from semitone to the correct exposure. A white and black in the scene, open, open.
Setup. Set a light close to your subject, you have a topic that is very dramatic with shadows and highlights. You want enough light and shade of one meter accuracy. Make sure you fill the viewfinder setup. Make sure the camera is focused and pays to leave the focus in manual mode, so it does not change.
Lighting camera white balance for you (you do not choose automatic white balance). Set the camera to manual. The camera measurement times can be moved, everything has to be locked. To test to assess easier, you can bring for each of the three tests vary a bit, so you can see each other with ease.
Set the camera ISO setting is typical. This test should be repeated to see how the ISO affects dynamic range of the camera at high and low ISO. You might also want to test with different lenses and filters, if you have time.
If compare to multiple cameras in a way that truly scientific, the same test every time it should be done with any camera, so it should be right where you left off, and change the meter set-up between tests.
Select the test. Set up the camera to detect measurement mode on the whitest of the topic. If the selected material is a shiny white (highly reflective), it may pay to avoid light shine, because it is beyond us, because it is a direct reflection of the light source. They bind to one meter from the area where you want with white details.
This camera is in manual mode, you select a high-type f-stop and shutter speed, so that the meter shows a correct exposure. Then set the fStop a lower number (not the trigger), how to put on, little by little each frame, allow more light. Ideally, you should at least open to 5stops by tests. DSLRs fstops move 1/3 Phase, in which case, 15 images. You are on the back of the camera provides a brighter picture and realize, finally blew the whites.
Shadow test. Set up the camera to observe the measurement in the darkest part of the subject, the shadows in your set. They bind to one meter from the area where you want minimal detail.
The camera is in manual mode so that the shutter speeds, so you get the right exposure at low fStop-ish (maybe f4). Then adjust the fStop for larger numbers, so let a little light, little by little under expose. Ideally you want to cover at least 5stops. As in the tests highlight that exposure to any third stop on the lens near Minimum aperture (F22 or whatever lens you can afford it). You will notice on the back of the camera image to start with a white broken, the more dark and lost as many details as you go through the steps to terminate.
Midtone color test. Use the spot metering meters mid gray on the site. Be used in the ideal case, the gray card. Gray card should be in front of the camera in the same plane with the scene (closer to the light it receives, so that the meter on the subject as closely as possible) and a gray card pointed directly at the camera.
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