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Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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Nuance plans talking smartphone ads that deliver ?Dear Abby?-style personal advice
By Ben Blanchard BEIJING (Reuters) - A show of force by U.S. stealth jets over the Korean Peninsula after talk of war by Pyongyang has caused only minor concern in China, a measure of Beijing's belief that the North is to blame for the tensions and that hostilities are not imminent. The presence of U.S. forces in places like South Korea and Japan has long worried Beijing, feeding its fears that it is being surrounded and "contained" by Washington and its allies, especially following the U.S. strategic pivot to Asia. ...
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Signs it may be time to take over an elderly parent's checkbook
Similar to deciding to take away the car keys, taking more control over your aging parents' finances can be difficult and emotionally charged. TODAY financial editor Jean Chatzky shares her tips on how to know when it's time, and the best ways for you to step in.
By Amy Langfield, TODAY contributor
Taking away the car keys from an elderly parent may be easy in comparison to taking over their checkbook. Knowing when and how requires some skill, according to Jean Chatzky, TODAY?s financial editor.
?As we get older we lose our ability to make good financial decisions, but we get more confident in our ability to make financial decisions,? Chatzky said.
A recent report in Wall Street Journal Marketwatch noted that about a quarter of the people 65 and over have at least a slight cognitive impairment, according to research by Dr. Malaz Boustani, associate professor of medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine and the director of the Wishard Healthy Aging Brain Center. But for the population 85 and older, about half have some sort of impairment.
?This is one of the things we know goes first,? Chatzky said.
There are tell-tale signs that something may be amiss, but you need to look for them, Chatzky advises.
?You want to look at how bill payment is being handled. So if you go into the house, or a neighbor goes into the house and sees piles of unopened bills or unopened mail, that?s a trouble sign,? she said. ?Also if you?re with them in a restaurant and they seem to think they have more cash than they actually do, or they?re getting forgetful about that, that?s a sign again that they?re not paying attention but also that they may not be able to get to the bank or get to the ATM.?
Other signs include calls from creditors or a lot of expensive items showing up in the home.
It?s best to talk about these issues well before the need arises, Chatzky said. Also, both parents and adult children think it?s easier to discuss the topic when a financial adviser is present, according to the Intra-Family Generational Finance Study by Fidelity Investments.
And lastly, if you have siblings, make sure to keep them in the loop when it comes to your parents? money, Chatzky said.
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Art 7 Entertainment: Acrylic Painting Lesson - Mistakes To Avoid In ...
When you are just starting out with acrylic painting, you will most certainly make your share of mistakes. This is the natural process of painting and we all learn and grow from our mistakes. This article introduces some of the more common mistakes beginner acrylic painters make.
Mistake #1 to avoid: Not using enough variety in your painting. An interesting painting has variety. It creates curiosity and interest, and the viewer wants to return again to observe it. So how do you create an interesting painting? Use a variety of different brushstrokes, techniques and values in your paintings. Change the direction of your brushstrokes or mix different techniques in the same painting.
Mistake #2 to avoid: Being too technical or copying. In order to truly paint a subject, and when I say "truly", I am not saying you should copy the subject exactly as you see it. I am referring to connecting to the painter inside and truly painting your own impression of what you see. This is how your inner creativity shines on the canvas. It is what set painters like Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet apart from the rest. They each injected their own style and heart into their work. I believe your own unique creativity comes to the surface the moment you stop relying on the technicalities and theories associated with painting. I am not saying one shouldn't study techniques and theory, but at some point we have to put that stuff on the back burner and let our creativity do some of the thinking. Whatever you do, don't copy other artists. There is nothing wrong with allowing other artists to influence you, just make sure you allow your own unique style to come through.
Mistake #3 to avoid: Not observing your subjects. Do you spend time observing the subjects you feel inspired to paint? If you are a portrait artist, have you done any studying of the human anatomy? If you paint landscapes, do you spend enough time outdoors in that environment? If you aren't spending enough time observing the subjects that you wish to paint, then you won't know have enough knowledge to paint them.
Mistake #4: Not using quality art supplies. Are you using quality acrylic painting supplies? A really experienced and talented artist could probably create an entire painting using a toothpick, but who really wants to work that hard? When it comes to fine art supplies, you usually do get what you pay for. If you paint with a 50cent paintbrush, it will probably paint just like a 50cent paintbrush. The ferrule will more than likely become loose and the hairs will probably shed. If you are using really cheap paint, you will more than likely get really cheap results. The colors will not have the same brilliance or the right consistency. So invest in quality art supplies and take great care of them as well.
Mistake #5 to avoid: Not using enough paint. Learn how to apply paint to your canvas. Many beginners don't reload their brushes often enough. I made this same mistake when I first began painting. I would squeeze out a little glob of paint and try to cover as much area as possible. In my case, I was just lazy, but many beginners are fearful of wasting paint. This is a reasonable concern considering the cost of supplies. The truth however, is that your paintings will be more interesting if you lay down the brush stroke, leave it alone, and then reload your brush. Don't try and scrub the paint into the canvas, otherwise you are just staining, and not painting.
Mistake #6 To Avoid: Over Thinking. Don't overly criticize or judge your own work while you are painting. This only creates discouragement and forces many beginners to become frustrated and quit. Just relax and let go. Trust yourself and your abilities.
I hope this article on acrylic painting has been helpful. Never get discouraged if you are making mistakes or not happy with your work. Mistakes are learning tools. Learn and move on. The most important aspect of painting is the enjoyment we receive from it anyway. Frustration and discouragement should never dominate the painting experience. Happy painting!
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Maroon 5 launch summer tour, writes for new album
FILE - Members of American rock band Maroon 5, from left, Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden, Adam Levine, James Valentine and Matt Flynn, pose during a press conference at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in this April 25, 2011 file photo taken in Singapore. The Grammy-winning band announced Monday April 1, 2013 that they will headline the 2013 Honda Civic Tour, which kicks off Aug. 1 in St. Louis and will feature Kelly Clarkson. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E, File)
FILE - Members of American rock band Maroon 5, from left, Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden, Adam Levine, James Valentine and Matt Flynn, pose during a press conference at the Singapore Indoor Stadium in this April 25, 2011 file photo taken in Singapore. The Grammy-winning band announced Monday April 1, 2013 that they will headline the 2013 Honda Civic Tour, which kicks off Aug. 1 in St. Louis and will feature Kelly Clarkson. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E, File)
NEW YORK (AP) ? Maroon 5 says they're working on a new album, but before that the pop-rockers will launch a summer tour that finds the fivesome playing outdoors.
The Grammy-winning band announced Monday that they will headline the 2013 Honda Civic Tour, which kicks off Aug. 1 in St. Louis and will feature Kelly Clarkson.
"I think the live outdoor kind of summer vibe is always different than the indoor arena tour because there's less emphasis on production and more on live music," frontman Adam Levine said in an interview. "It's kind of the purist form of a tour 'cause there's not too many bells and whistles."
The 31-date tour wraps Oct. 5 in San Diego.
Levine says he and his bandmates are riding high off the success of last year's "Overexposed," their fourth album that has achieved platinum status. It features the popular hits "Payphone," ''One More Time" and "Daylight."
"It's so amazing to have an album people connect with and embrace. It's a dream come true. It's hard to believe to have lighting strike twice and three times and four times," he said. "We're having a moment. A good moment."
He also says the group is working on the follow-up to that album: "We're just getting started. We've got some great songs in the can."
"The stuff we're working on now, it definitely has gone maybe a little darker in its sound, maybe back a little bit more to what we kind of did on (our debut) 'Songs About Jane,'" said guitarist James Valentine. "But at this point we do have all kinds of different songs and it is early."
Levine is also busy balancing his life with NBC's "The Voice," which returned last week with new coaches Shakira and Usher, alongside Blake Shelton.
"It's great. Sometimes it's difficult to maneuver, but it's been a lot of success," said Levine, who will have his former mentee, Tony Lucca, open on some dates of the tour. "I'd be pretty foolish not to be happy about it."
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Afghan teenager fatally stabs U.S. soldier
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? Senior U.S. military officials say an Afghan teenager has killed an American soldier in eastern Afghanistan by stabbing him in the neck.
Two officials said Monday that Sgt. Michael Cable, 26, was guarding a meeting of Afghan and U.S. officials in Nangarhar province when the stabbing occurred.
One of the officials estimated the attacker was 16 years old, but he escaped so the age couldn't be verified.
The official says the youth was not believed to be from the Afghan security forces so the Wednesday stabbing is not being classified as an insider attack.
Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.
The Pentagon said in a statement last week that Cable died from injuries sustained when his unit was attacked by enemy forces.
Associated Press writer Kimberly Dozier contributed to this report.
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Monday, April 1, 2013
SwiftKey gets in on the April Fools' action with SwiftKey Tilt
"Whole-body typing experience"
Not to be left out of the April 1 fun, popular keyboard app SwiftKey has today announced "SwiftKey Tilt," a new keyboard designed to offer a "whole-body typing experience." How's it work? Well, instead of typing with your thumb, simply guide a little pinball across the screen to spell out words. (And in doing so, look just as cool as the people above.)
Video's after the break. SwiftKey says the new tilt keyboard will be available today for those "inquisitive enough to find it." (Try typing "tilt," then long-pressing that word in the suggestion bar.)
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L.A. police ID suspect in girl's abduction case
LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Investigators are seeking a transient who has a long criminal record in the kidnapping of a 10-year-old who was snatched from her San Fernando Valley home before dawn last week and abandoned hours later in front of a hospital, police said.
Tobias Dustin Summers, 30, was identified by police Saturday as a suspect in the case but they couldn't elaborate on the motive or what led them to him. Police don't know if the girl was targeted but said they don't believe Summers had a connection to her family.
"We have no information that the family knew this individual or that the individual knew any members of the family," Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese said.
About 40 detectives have been working around the clock looking for clues since the girl was abducted from her home Wednesday. She was found hours later, wandering near a Starbucks several miles away.
The girl was barefoot, had bruises and scratches, and wasn't wearing the same clothes she had on when she vanished. She told the police two men she didn't recognize had taken her from her home.
Police initially said they were looking for two suspects, but now are focusing their efforts on locating Summers.
"This is the only person we are looking for right now," Albanese said Saturday.
Investigators have said they believe the girl was driven around the San Fernando Valley in a couple of cars and taken to at least two locations, including a storage facility, before she was released.
A passer-by who recognized her picture from media reports saw her outside the Starbucks and called police. The girl had wandered there from the hospital where she had been dropped.
Summers, who has a distinctive tattoo of a ghoulish face on his right arm, has arrests dating back to 2002, police said. Among them are robbery, grand theft auto, possession of explosives and kidnapping, authorities said.
Police said they had no details on the prior kidnapping case.
Summers was released from prison in July on a petty theft conviction as part of a California law designed to ease crowding in state prisons. He also spent six days behind bars in January on a probation violation.
Summers last checked in with his probation officer at some point earlier this month and had been complying with his release terms, police said. He is known to frequent the area where the kidnapping took place.
The Los Angeles Times reported that law enforcement sources said the girl was sexually assaulted. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual assault. Summers isn't a registered sex offender, police said.
Albanese said Summers had been arrested four years ago for investigation of battery that involved child annoyance. Court records show Summers was convicted of battery in September 2009 but the child annoyance charge was either dismissed or not prosecuted.
Summers has family in Southern California, according to police, and the FBI said it will obtain a warrant for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, if the agency determines he has fled the state.
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Sunday, March 31, 2013
Google takes Easter heat over Cesar Chavez doodle
Rather than Easter, Google's doodle today commemorates farm labor leader Cesar Chavez's birthday. That's brought much criticism, although Chavez himself was a devout Christian.
By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / March 31, 2013
Cesar Chavez Google doodle. Critics say the image Sunday should have had something to do with Easter.
Google is taking heat for its Easter Sunday doodle ? that cartoon modification of its logo that changes from day to day.
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Today, the middle letter is a round portrait of the late migrant farm labor union leader Cesar Chavez.
Like many such doodles, it comes on the birthday of the subject. Mr. Chavez was born March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona.
But appearing on Easter ? one of the holiest days for hundreds of millions of Christians around the world ? the Chavez Google doodle has set off a mini-storm of protest, including (inevitably) in the twitterverse.
Some examples:
?Unbelievable! Their true colors are showing! Yahoo here I come!?
?Damn Google?. No Easter wishes from those Atheists.?
?A huge BOOO!! to Google for making their holiday doodle about Cesar Chavez's 86th birthday instead of Easter (celebrated by over a billion).?
?I've got nothing against Cesar Chavez, but even Chavez was a Catholic. I doubt he'd want Google to recognize him on Resurrection Day.?
?Better a dead lefty, them a risen Lord.?
?Google uses Caesar Chavez on Easter instead of using something Easter related? Okay, I'm switching to Bing.?
Apparently confusing Cesar Chavez with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, one wrote: ?Google can't celebrate Easter but can celebrate a dictator's birthday?!?
But there?s been more thoughtful comment as well, unlimited by the snappy 140-character Twitter format ? much of it alluding to Chavez?s own Christian religion
?Google?s odd choice should remind us that whatever one thinks of Chavez?s politics, they are impossible to understand apart from his belief in the resurrected Christ,? writes Matthew Schmitz, deputy editor of First Things, an ecumenical journal published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life.
?As a Christian, Chavez believed that the first revolution had to be a revolution of the soul, which meant that personal sacrifices were demanded ? not just of the oppressor, but of the oppressed,? writes Mr. Schmitz. ?For Chavez, social reform was never merely external. Without peace of spirit and purity of heart, there was little point in pursuing justice. Collective bargaining, just wages, shorter workdays: for Chavez none of these made sense outside the fact of his risen Lord.?
Although Chavez has been gone for 20 years, he continues to be remembered as an important figure in US history.
Cesar Chavez Day, is a state holiday in?California,?Colorado, and?Texas.
President Obama has proclaimed March 31 as ?Cesar Chavez Day? and designated the 105-acre ?Cesar E. Chavez National Monument? in Kern County, California farm country.
Mr. Obama?s campaign rallying cry ? ?Yes, we can!? ? echoed the UFW?s ?S?, se puede.?
Coincidentally, the Chavez Google doodle flap comes on the weekend that business and labor leaders have agreed on a guest worker program as part of comprehensive immigration reform.
Many critics may not know that Chavez was a deeply spiritual man and ascetic who tried to follow the nonviolent path of another legendary leader ? Mahatma Gandhi.
As a reporter, I once joined him on a march on behalf of farmworkers through California?s blistering Imperial Valley.
I was doing a lot of distance running in those days, and I thought I was in pretty good shape. But I had a hard time keeping up with Chavez (15 years my senior) as we walked along during the interview. Only later did I find out that he was well into a quiet personal fast and hadn't had anything to eat in 10 days.
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3. Lead and manage a high performance team through the development and integration of individual employees into effective and knowledgeable Solution Sales and Technical Specialists who are motivated and committed to our customers and internal teams.
4. Grow and maintain a valid, healthy Core Infrastructure product pipeline for the EPG business.
5. Design and execute a technical resource allocation strategy that enables effective opportunity engagement (Architectural Design Sessions, Proof of Concepts, etc.) to drive value with velocity for the customers and Microsoft business.
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- Leadership skills, particularly as they relate to managing strategic issues such as revenue growth, competitive challenges and technology trends.
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- Sales skills, per Integrated Solution Selling and Microsoft Solution Sales Process training and methodologies.
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- Combination of business acumen and IT infrastructure expertise (ITIL, Six Sigma) to understand how customer business issues impact their IT environments.
- Coaching direct reports in pipeline management, opportunity management, and planning.
- Facilitating/encouraging cross-team account and resource planning.
- Hiring high potential employees who align with current requirements and can grow into future requirements and roles.
Prior Experiences and Qualifications: A proven track record with people and team management in a technology sales environment with at least 7-10 years of enterprise level experience as an individual contributor and/or lead of teams with sales quotas/targets.
The ideal candidate will have passion for, and at least a 100-200 level of understanding of the related Microsoft technologies (Virtualization, Management & Monitoring, Security, DC Orchestration, etc.) and competitor with previous experience in Systems Integrator (SI) or ISV partner management, complex sales methodology (e.g., MSSP, Michael Bosworth, etc.), GSX, other Line of Business applications (e.g. SAP), or Employee Performance Management systems (e.g. ManagePoint) a plus. A Bachelor?s degree in Computer Science or Management Information Systems or equivalent experience required. Travel necessary (20-30%). Position reports to the STU Director with required residency in one of the major market areas for the District.
Nearest Major Market: Irvine California
Nearest Secondary Market: Los Angeles
Job Segments: Sales Management, Sales, Computer Science, ERP, Information Systems, Technology
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AP PHOTOS: Easter celebrations around the world
Pope Francis blesses a man as he leads the Easter vigil service in St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican Saturday, March 30, 2013. Pope Francis is celebrating a trimmed back Easter Vigil service after having reached out to Muslims and women during a Holy Week in which he has begun to put his mark on the Catholic Church. Francis processed into a darkened and silent St. Peter's Basilica at the start of the Saturday service, which recalls the period between Christ's crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Francis blesses a man as he leads the Easter vigil service in St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican Saturday, March 30, 2013. Pope Francis is celebrating a trimmed back Easter Vigil service after having reached out to Muslims and women during a Holy Week in which he has begun to put his mark on the Catholic Church. Francis processed into a darkened and silent St. Peter's Basilica at the start of the Saturday service, which recalls the period between Christ's crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Francis leaves after celebrating the Easter vigil service in St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican Saturday, March 30, 2013. Pope Francis celebrated a trimmed back Easter Vigil service after having reached out to Muslims and women during a Holy Week in which he has begun to put his mark on the Catholic Church. Francis processed into a darkened and silent St. Peter's Basilica at the start of the Saturday service, which recalls the period between Christ's crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Francis leaves after celebrating the Easter vigil service in St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican Saturday, March 30, 2013. Pope Francis celebrated a trimmed back Easter Vigil service after having reached out to Muslims and women during a Holy Week in which he has begun to put his mark on the Catholic Church. Francis processed into a darkened and silent St. Peter's Basilica at the start of the Saturday service, which recalls the period between Christ's crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Cardinal Audrys Juozas Backis bless during the Easter vigil mass at the Cathedral-Basilica in Vilnius, Lithuania, Saturday, March 30, 2013. (AP Photo/Mindaugas Kulbis)
Penitents of the "Las Siete Palabras" brotherhood take part in the procession of "La Soledad" during Holy Week in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, March 30, 2013. Hundreds of processions take place throughout Spain during the Easter Holy Week. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)
In his Easter Vigil homily at St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis kept his message simple and tied to the liturgical readings. "Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life!" Just a few hours after the vigil ends, Francis on Sunday will celebrate his first Easter Mass as pontiff and deliver his "Urbi et Orbi" speech, Latin for "To the city and the world."
Here are scenes from Easter celebrations at the Vatican and across the world.
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
Curry's big night sends Duke past Spartans 71-61
Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski directs his team during the second half of a regional semifinal against Michigan State in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Friday, March 29, 2013, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)
Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski directs his team during the second half of a regional semifinal against Michigan State in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Friday, March 29, 2013, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)
Duke guard Tyler Thornton (3) reacts after a regional semifinal against Michigan State in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Saturday, March 30, 2013, in Indianapolis. Duke won 71-61. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
Duke forward Mason Plumlee (5) goes up with a shot against Michigan State forwards Branden Dawson (22) and Adreian Payne (5) during the second half of a regional semifinal in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Friday, March 29, 2013, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
Duke guard Seth Curry (30) drives around Michigan State guard Gary Harris (14) during the second half of a regional semifinal in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Friday, March 29, 2013, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
Michigan State forward Derrick Nix (25) talks to head coach Tom Izzo during the second half of a regional semifinal against Duke in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Friday, March 29, 2013, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ? Mike Krzyzewski already holds the NCAA record for most wins by a coach.
Thanks to Seth Curry's big scoring night, Krzyzewski could finish the weekend by tying one of John Wooden's records.
Curry scored 29 points, tied the school record for most 3-pointers in an NCAA tournament game and led the Duke Blue Devils past Michigan State 71-61, putting Krzyzewski within one win of his 12th Final Four appearance. All Duke has to do is beat top-seeded Louisville in the NCAA tournament's Midwest Regional final ? something it already has done.
"We were fortunate to win that game. They've been playing the best basketball in the country," Krzyzewski said, referring to Duke's 76-71 victory Nov. 24. "I love their two guards. I think they're great kids and they're dynamic. But they're deep. They're a deep team. We can't turn the ball over against them."
Duke (30-5) can create its own set of problems as the Spartans found out Friday night.
Curry knocked down six of his first seven 3s before missing his final two to tie a school record that had been attained six other times, most recently by Jason Williams on March 22, 2001, against UCLA. He had plenty of help, too. Rasheed Sulaimon scored 16 points, making 12 of 14 from the free-throw line, also tying a school record for free throws made in a tourney game. Mason Plumlee added 14 points and seven rebounds in the return to his home state.
And if Krzyzewski earns career win No. 958 on Sunday against top-seeded Louisville, he will break a second-place tie with North Carolina's Dean Smith and move into a tie with Wooden for most Final Four appearances by a head coach in NCAA history.
Krzyzewski isn't the only one chasing a milestone.
A win would also move Louisville coach Rick Pitino into a tie for fourth all-time with Roy Williams and he is trying to get the Cardinals back to the Final Four for the second straight year.
Clearly, Louisville (32-5) has a few advantages. The game in Indianapolis will be played about 100 miles from campus and another heavily-partisan Cardinals crowd is expected at Lucas Oil Stadium.
But Louisville will face a team that was ranked No. 1 earlier this season and in the same venue it lost as the top seeded team in the Midwest Region just four years ago to Michigan State. Plus, they'll be facing a Duke team that is clicking on all cylinders.
"If a team's game plan is to just to be tough or physical with us, that's not going to win," Plumlee said.
The Spartans (27-9) learned that lesson the hard way.
They focused, as usual, on dominating the middle.
Instead, Curry's 3-point barrage loosened things up, and forced Michigan State to play catch-up most of the second half.
His sixth 3 of the night broke a 38-38 tie early in the second half, sending Duke on a 9-0 run. The Blue Devils never trailed again.
"Honestly, I was just trying to help my shot. I got a few to go early," Curry said. "I feel like every time I take a shot, it's going to go down and nothing felt different tonight."
The Spartans were led by Keith Appling, who scored 16 points despite playing with a brace over his injured right shoulder. Adreian Payne added 14 points and 10 rebounds, but it wasn't nearly enough against Curry & Co.
Coach Tom Izzo was hoping that his only son's prediction, that Duke would beat Michigan State in the regional semis, would be wrong. Instead, the younger Izzo got it right.
"They're a good team, they played well, Curry hurt us, no question about it," Izzo said. "We didn't quit, we hung in there. I thought we played poorly for us, but the better team won tonight."
The game was billed as an entertaining contest between two of college basketball's most successful coaches ? and it lived up to the hype.
The first half was played to a near draw with four ties and eight lead changes.
Michigan State grabbed an 18-17 lead on Derrick Nix's tip-in with 9:52 left in the first half, but Curry then scored nine points in an 11-2 run for the Blue Devils. He was fouled by Travis Trice while attempting a 3-pointer and made all three free throws to make it 28-20 with 4:59 remaining.
Back came the Spartans, who clamped down on defense and closed to 32-31 at halftime.
But Curry's early second-half scoring spree was all the Blue Devils needed. Michigan State pulled within seven with 1:32 to go, but couldn't get any closer after trailing by as much as 13 in the second half.
"We knew we would have to play at that level. They're a little more athletic than we are," Krzyzewski said. "We had to try to match that and tonight we were able to do that. I'm glad it's not a seven-game series because I'm not sure we'd be able to continue to do it. But tonight we were able to do it."
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Friday, March 29, 2013
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Large robotic jellyfish could one day patrol oceans
Mar. 28, 2013 ? Virginia Tech College of Engineering researchers have unveiled a life-like, autonomous robotic jellyfish the size and weight of a grown man, 5 foot 7 inches in length and weighing 170 pounds.
The prototype robot, nicknamed Cyro, is a larger model of a robotic jellyfish the same team -- headed by Shashank Priya of Blacksburg, Va., and professor of mechanical engineering at Virginia Tech -- unveiled in 2012. The earlier robot, dubbed RoboJelly, is roughly the size of a man's hand, and typical of jellyfish found along beaches.
"A larger vehicle will allow for more payload, longer duration and longer range of operation," said Alex Villanueva of St-Jacques, New-Brunswick, Canada, and a doctoral student in mechanical engineering working under Priya. "Biological and engineering results show that larger vehicles have a lower cost of transport, which is a metric used to determine how much energy is spent for traveling."
Both robots are part of a multi-university, nationwide $5 million project funded by U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center and the Office of Naval Research. The goal is to place self-powering, autonomous machines in waters for the purposes of surveillance and monitoring the environment, in addition to other uses such as studying aquatic life, mapping ocean floors, and monitoring ocean currents.
Jellyfish are attractive candidates to mimic because of their ability to consume little energy owing to a lower metabolic rate than other marine species. Additionally, they appear in wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors, allowing for several designs. They also inhabit every major oceanic area of the world and are capable of withstanding a wide range of temperatures in both fresh and salt waters. Most species are found in shallow coastal waters, but some have been found in depths 7,000 meters below sea level.
Partner universities in the project are Providence College in Rhode Island, the University of California Los Angeles, the University of Texas at Dallas, and Stanford University. Priya's team is building the jellyfish body models, integrating fluid mechanics and developing control systems.
Cyro is modeled and named after the jellyfish cyanea capillata, Latin for Llion's Manemain jellyfishJellyfish, with "Cyro" derived from "cyanea" and "robot." As with its predecessor, this robot is in the prototype stage, years away from use in waters. A new prototype model already is under construction at Virginia Tech's Durham Hall, where Priya's Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems is based.
"We hope to improve on this robot and reduce power consumption and improve swimming performance as well as better mimic the morphology of the natural jellyfish," Villanueva said, adding that the project also allows researchers such as himself to better understand aquatic creatures live. "Our hopes for Cyro's future is that it will help understand how the propulsion mechanism of such animal scales with size."
A stark difference exists between the larger and smaller robots. Cyro is powered by a rechargeable nickel metal hydride battery, whereas the smaller models were tethered, Priya said. Experiments have also been conducted on powering jellyfish with hydrogen but there is still much research to be done in that area.
In both cases, the jellyfish must operate on their own for months or longer at a time as engineers likely won't be able to capture and repair the robots, or replace power sources. "Cyro showed its ability to swim autonomously while maintaining a similar physical appearance and kinematics as the natural species," Priya said, adding that the robot is simultaneously able to collect, store, analyze, and communicate sensory data. This autonomous operation in shallow water conditions is already a big step towards demonstrating the use of these creatures."
How does the robot swim? Its body consists of a rigid support structure with direct current electric motors which control the mechanical arms that are used in conjunction with an artificial mesoglea, or jelly-based pulp of the fish's body, creating hydrodynamic movement.
With no central nervous system, jellyfish instead use a diffused nerve net to control movement and can complete complex functions. A parallel study on a bio-inspired control system is in progress which will eventually replace the current simplified controller. As with the smaller models, Cyro's skin is composed of a thick layer of silicone, squishy in one's hand. It mimics the sleek jellyfish skin and is placed over a bowl-shaped device containing the electronic guts of the robot. When moving, the skin floats and moves with the robot, looking weirdly alive.
"It has been a great experience to finally realize the biomimetic and bio-inspired robotic vehicles," Priya said. "Nature has too many secrets and we were able to find some of them but many still remain. We hope to find a mechanism to continue on this journey and resolve the remaining puzzles."
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Gay marriage equality box spreads on social media
NEW YORK (AP) ? Bud Light said it with beer cans and Martha Stewart with red velvet cake as companies and celebrities from Beyonce to George Takei joined millions of social media users in posting and tweaking a simple red logo in support of gay marriage.
A square box with thick pink horizontal lines (the mathematical equal symbol) was offered for sharing this week by the Human Rights Campaign as the U.S. Supreme Court took up arguments in key marriage rights cases.
The image, replacing profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and elsewhere, is a makeover of the advocacy group's logo, usually a blue background with bright yellow lines. The HRC made it available in red ? for the color of love ? on Monday and estimated tens of millions of shares by Wednesday.
"It shows the enthusiasm and the passion," said Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the nonprofit in Washington, D.C.
Like viral campaigns of yore, supporting breast cancer awareness (pink), President Barack Obama (change your middle name to Hussein) and even Arab Spring (green), a bit of fatigue set in on some social media streams by those questioning whether such efforts serve to change any minds or, put simply, are plain annoying.
"My Facebook feed is a cascading aesthetic nightmare. Thanks, equality," Washington Post writer Dan Zak wryly grumbled on Twitter.
A photo of Justice Anthony Kennedy made the rounds with the quip: "Before we make a ruling, did enough people change their Facebook profile picture?!"
None of that mattered to the masses of same-sex marriage supporters. Some swapped matzoh for the pink lines as Passover got under way, or added frowny Internet star Grumpy Cat, who explained marriage equality would make her happy.
Bert and Ernie showed up against the red background. (They're best friends with no plans to marry, according to Sesame Street.) Another version featured Paula Deen atop the red square and lines turned a shade of yellow akin to her favorite fatty ingredient and the tagline: "It's like two sticks of butter y'all."
Takei, a noted punster with nearly 4 million followers in Facebook, turned the equal sign into the division sign for those opposed to marriage equality.
Beyonce, with more than 44 million followers there, played it straight, leaving the logo alone and adding a personal message: "It's about TIME!!! (hash)EQUALITY (hash)MarryWhoYouLove.
Fergie let the image speak for itself on Twitter, adding: "No words necessary." Montana Sen. John Tester, a Democrat who endorsed same-sex marriage on Tuesday, put the logo up as his profile on Facebook while the clothing site Bonobos swapped its usual Facebook pic for the red square using fancy white pants for the equal sign.
Martha Stewart's Facebook page used a slice of red cake with white icing to make the image and the HBO page for "True Blood" added fangs.
All in good fun?
"There's a lot of serious conversation going on and there's an awful lot of important concepts that the Supreme Court justices are discussing," Sainz said. "What this logo going viral means is individuals have reduced it to a very straightforward concept."
Steve Jones, a professor of online culture and communications at the University of Illinois at Chicago, wondered whether all the mash-ups muddle the message.
"Once you throw it together with something like Grumpy Cat it's fun," he said. "But was this message intended to be fun?"
Associated Press writer Barbara Ortutay contributed to this report.
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James Holmes offers guilty plea in exchange for life in prison
The man accused of killing 12 people and injuring dozens more in a Colorado movie theater last summer may plead guilty, according to documents filed by his attorneys Wednesday. If prosecutors agree to life in prison without parole instead of the death penalty, the case could be resolved as early as Monday.?
By Keith Coffman,?Reuters, Chris Frantz,?Reuters / March 27, 2013
James Holmes, Aurora theater shooting suspect, sits in the courtroom during his arraignment in Centennial, Colo. Holmes' attorneys are prepared to enter a guilty plea for him if the prosecution team agrees to a life in prison sentence instead of the death penalty.
RJ Sangosti/Denver Post/AP
EnlargeDefense attorneys for the former graduate student accused of killing 12 people at a Denver area movie theater last July have offered to have him plead guilty in exchange for a life prison term, according to court documents filed on Wednesday.
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Public defenders for?James Holmes, 25, said in the?Arapahoe?County District Court filing that prosecutors have so far not accepted the offer, which would spare their client the death penalty in one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.
Holmes faces multiple counts of first-degree murder and attempted murder stemming from the July 20 massacre at a showing of the Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises" in?Aurora,?Colorado?that also wounded 58 people.
Arapahoe County?District Attorney George Brauchler has said that he would formally inform the court during a hearing scheduled for Monday whether his office would seek the death penalty against Holmes.
Brauchler has not made his decision public, but in February announced that he had added a death penalty lawyer to the prosecution team.
All three of?Colorado's death row inmates were convicted and sentenced in?Arapahoe County. At a state legislative hearing earlier in March, Brauchler testified in favor of keeping the death penalty on the books in?Colorado.
A spokeswoman for the?Arapahoe County?District Attorney's Office could not be reached for comment on Wednesday afternoon.
"Prior to arraignment, Mr. Holmes?made an offer to the prosecution to resolve the case by pleading guilty and spending the rest of his life in prison without the opportunity for parole,"?lawyers for Holmes?say in the papers.
Holmes was arraigned on March 12. At that hearing,?Arapahoe?County District Judge William Sylvester entered a not guilty plea on his behalf after defense attorneys said they were not prepared to enter a plea.
Insanity defense?
In Wednesday's pleading, defense lawyers said that if prosecutors agree to take the death penalty off the table for Holmes?the case could be resolved at Monday's hearing.
Attorneys for the former?University of Colorado?neuroscience?graduate student, who surrendered to officers outside the theater minutes after the shooting rampage, had been expected to mount an insanity defense on his behalf at trial.
"As previously stated in court, counsel for Mr. Holmes?are still exploring a mental health defense, and counsel will vigorously present and argue any and all appropriate defenses at a trial or sentencing proceeding as necessary," defense lawyers said in the court papers.
"Nevertheless, Mr. Holmes?is currently willing to resolve the case to bring the proceedings to a speedy and definite conclusion for all involved," the defense said.
Lawyers for Holmes?have said in court filings that their client has been hospitalized twice since his arrest, once after hitting his head against a cell wall.
Holmes was also held in restraints for several days at a psychiatric hospital in November after jail officials determined he was a threat to himself, according to his defense team.
In a separate written ruling on Wednesday, Sylvester denied a request by Fox News journalist Jana Winter to postpone her testimony, scheduled for Monday, about confidential sources she cited in a story about the shooting rampage.
Sylvester ordered Winter to take the witness stand as he tries to determine who leaked information to the New York-based journalist despite a gag order he issued in the case.
Winter's attorneys sought a delay while she filed an appeal of Sylvester's ruling on the grounds that she was protected against revealing her sources by New York's shield law for journalists.
(Reporting by Keith Coffman and Chris Frantz; Writing by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst, Tim Dobbyn and Cynthia Osterman)
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Russian PM lambasts deal to rescue Cyprus
MOSCOW (AP) ? Russia's prime minister has slammed a deal that saves Cyprus from bankruptcy but forces big losses on many bank deposits, a large chunk of which are held by Russians.
Cyprus secured a 10 billion euros ($13 billion) bailout early Monday on the condition it scales back its banking sector and forces hefty losses on a number of big deposits to help pay much of the bill.
Dmitry Medvedev says the move is tantamount to theft.
Moscow has been worried about the crisis in Cyprus with Russian citizens holding as much as 20 billion euros ($26 billion) in Cypriot banks.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
UK-Odd Summary
"Panda-monium" as giant pandas arrive in Canada from China
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada got a taste of international panda diplomacy on Monday with the arrival of two "Very Important Pandas" at the start of a 10-year loan to two Canadian zoos. Speaking as the two giant pandas arrived in Toronto from China, Chinese Ambassador Zhang Junsai - who gave the animals the VIP designation - noted that when he started his posting in Canada two years ago, he was greeted only by the Canadian director of protocol.
Punxsutawney Phil charged with fraud for early spring forecast
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - With a snow storm expected to batter the Plains, Midwest and East Coast this weekend, a spring-deprived Ohio prosecutor is taking out his frustration with the long winter on a famous prognosticating groundhog. "I decided it was about time we indicted Punxsutawney Phil afor fraud," said Mike Gmoser, prosecutor in Ohio's Butler County, in an interview Friday.
Harvard stripped of quiz tournament titles
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Harvard University will be stripped of four national quiz championship titles after organizers found a competitor from the Ivy League school inappropriately accessed information about questions used in the tournament. The National Academic Quiz Tournaments said that a security review found that Harvard competitor Andy Watkins accessed pages on its administrative Website just before the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Intercollegiate Championship Tournaments or "Quiz Bowls".
100,000 Portuguese sign petition to keep ex-PM Socrates off TV
LISBON (Reuters) - Portuguese state television channel RTP's plan to give former premier Jose Socrates a weekly commentary spot has sparked outrage, with 100,000 people signing a petition citing his "bad management" that led the country to take a bailout in 2011. "We, citizens and tax-payers, declare that we reject the presence of former Prime Minister Jose Socrates on any programme at RTP, television paid for by public funds of taxpayers suffering from the bad management of this gentleman," the Internet petition said.
Swiss court jails "healer" for infecting 16 with HIV
ZURICH (Reuters) - A self-styled healer was sentenced to 12 years and nine months in jail on Friday after a Swiss court found the acupuncturist guilty of infecting 16 people with HIV. A Berne court found the man guilty of causing bodily harm and spreading the virus which can cause Aids, court secretary Rene Graf told Reuters. He did not give any further details.
Tunisian rapper gets jail term for calling police dogs in song
TUNIS (Reuters) - A Tunisian court has sentenced a rap singer to two years in jail in absentia for insulting the police in a case likely to fuel debate over free speech under the Islamist-led government. The singer, known as Weld el 15, is on the run. Two of his associates, singers Mohamed Hedi Belgueyed and Sabrine Klibi, were in court when they received suspended sentences of six months each, a Justice Ministry source said on Friday.
Russian serial killer sentenced to life for nine murders
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian serial killer who butchered his nine victims with a knife and hammer, and said he ate the hearts of two of them, was sentenced to life in prison on Friday. Prosecutors said Alexander Bychkov targeted alcoholics and the homeless out of disdain for their way of life, lured them into deserted areas, killed them, dismembered them and hid the body parts.
Manual to "goblinproofing" chicken coops named Oddest Book Title
LONDON (Reuters) - A book offering advice on how to protect chicken coops from goblins has won the Oddest Book Title of the Year award, organisers of the contest said on Friday. "Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop" by Reginald Bakeley and Clint Marsh attracted 38 percent of 1,225 online votes to beat craft manual "How Tea Cosies Changed the World" with 31 percent to win the 35th annual Diagram Prize.
Yoko Ono tweets against guns showing Lennon's bloody glasses
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Yoko Ono has taken up arms against gun violence with a raft of Twitter postings, including a photograph of blood-stained glasses apparently worn by John Lennon when he was shot and killed more than 30 years ago. "Over 1,057,000 people have been killed by guns in the USA since John Lennon was shot and killed on 8 Dec 1980," Ono, the former Beatle's widow, tweeted.
Would-be thieves camped out above Toronto-area bank
TORONTO (Reuters) - Toronto-area police say they have foiled a Hollywood-style heist, arresting five men they say camped out in vacant office space above a bank branch and, under cover of night, cut through a thick concrete ceiling to gain access to the vault below. Halton Regional Police arrested the men with C$300,000 (193,055.28 pounds) jammed into two hockey bags after discovering them hiding in a field not far from a Toronto-Dominion Bank branch in Burlington, Ontario.
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The CIA's Secret Role in Syria, Newtown Aid, and Florida Gulf Coast's New Fans
Behind the?New York Times?pay wall, you only get?10 free clicks?a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.
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Top Stories: Exiled?Russian oligarch?Boris Berezovsky's death remains unexplained, but an?embarrassing?court verdict loomed large over his final years: "He had lived large for so long, it seemed, he did not know how to live small."
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World:?The C.I.A. is aiding in "expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad."??
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U.S.:?Tennessee's "health care lottery of sorts" has residents?hoping to get coverage calling frantically in a short window of time.?
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New York:?There are varying views as to what to do with the millions of dollars of aid that flooded into Newtown following the tragic school shooting.
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Business:?European Union leaders made a deal on a bailout?package "intended to keep Cyprus in the euro zone and rebuild its devastated economy."?
Media & Advertising:?Ads not just for social media or young people are using the language of social media.?
Technology:?The Department of Homeland Security is looking to?recruit young hackers.
Sports:?Playing with excitement, Florida Gulf Coast University?is making even Duke fans cheer as they make history in the N.C.A.A. tournament.?
Opinion:?Bill Keller on the question of states "veering off the mainstream, especially on these issues of personal liberty."
Television:?Steve Harvey's?show "has been the surprise hit of daytime TV."?
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